

November 19, 2017

Sitting here, looking out over a Goan beach, it seems like the perfect time to think and reflect on the journey I’ve taken over the last ten and a half months.

Wow, that’s a long trip.

When I left, I wasn’t sure if I was running away from something or running towards something. I was battling anxiety and depression and had an overwhelming drive in me to get away, to give myself the chance for some space and to get some perspective. What better way I thought, but to travel.

The indecision in me, that I assume anyone facing such a big change would feel, was not as strong as the need to get away, so off I went. With a pair of dice in my pocket and a backpack filled with some essentials.

I’ve met some amazing people over this time. Some of whom I’m sure will be friends for life.

I’ve also seen and experienced some really incredible things!!

From the temples and chilled out beach vibes of Thailand:

To the beauty of Laos:

To the untouched mystery and adventure of Myanmar:

To the inspiring scenery and incredible coffee of Vietnam:

To the tea plantations, street art and awesome beaches of Malaysia:

To the volcanic islands and komodo dragons of Indonesia:

To the temples and sorrowful history of Cambodia:

To the beaches and safari of Sri Lanka:

And finally to the gorgeous beaches, floating casinos, enchanting backwaters and amazing cuisine of India:


I’m happy to say that, as a result of this trip, I do feel wiser, more savvy, more appreciative of what I have in life and more sure of myself as a person.

I have seen so much that has made me realise that the life back home isn’t the only one that is possible. I’ve seen people living out such different lives and have come to realise that the Western culture of capitalism, materialism and generally seeking financial gain for a happy existence is futile.

I’ve realised that the only true happiness is in experiencing life and this is amplified when experiencing life with others and forming meaningful relationships.

We’re social animals by nature, so why do we ostracise ourselves and live out more isolated digitally-experienced lives;  experiencing what others want you to believe their life is like by what they are touting on social media? There’s so much more to life than this. Make real connections.

I also realise that this one life we have is essentially pointless, no one is getting out alive, so it is so important to fill it with as many meaningful experiences as possible while you can. I’m glad to say that in this last ten months I have done that and these are memories that will stay with me forever and hopefully shape me going forward into a better person.

I’ve felt moments of incredible joy, passion, loneliness, adventure, awe and freedom. There have still been moments of depression and anxiety, but I’m happy to say that these haven’t been the overriding feelings and I’ve allowed myself to be fully immersed into the experience of long term travel.

I also feel tired! Ten months on the road is a long time.

Which brings me on to the next part.


After so long away I do feel ready to come home. At least for a while.

Moving on every few days to a new location brings an incredible feeling of freedom, but it also brings about a feeling of disconnection; a lack of belonging.

I’m very excited to get back to be able to see friends, family and, of course, Holly.

I’m excited to spend Christmas with everyone and rekindle those relationships with people that I have been absent from. There’s so much to catch up on.


I expected that by this point I would have figured out what my next step would be, but to be honest I haven’t still.

I do know that whatever I do next it’s important that I do it because I feel I want to, not because I feel I should.

Will I travel more? For sure, at some point. Finances and other responsibilities permitting, so the dice are not being put down for good.


Travel is incredible. Either travelling on your own or with someone special.

I enjoyed the adventure and absolute freedom of travelling alone and equally enjoyed the closeness and love of sharing the experience with another. How incredibly lucky I am to have been able to experience both!

I hope you’ve enjoyed following me on my journey and have got something out of reading about / watching my travels. Thanks for following!

If you’re reading this and you’re at a similar crossroads in your life as I was and have the means to be able to, I urge you to consider long term travel. Not much changes at home and your life will still be there waiting for you if you want it.

You might find out that there was something else waiting for you all along…..